It's Kairos Time!
Season 2: Stop The War On The Poor
This installment of It’s Kairos Time! is dedicated to lifting up the calls for demilitarization, reducing military spending and increasing funding for anti-poverty programs. With this latest season we aim to remind listeners and ourselves that we are not alone and that in these times – silence is betrayal. Leaders from movements for racial, economic, climate, gender justice and more join us in calling for an end to war and the war economy.
As the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr reminds us in Where Do We Go From Here? Chaos or Community, “A final problem that mankind must solve in order to survive in the world house that we have inherited is finding an alternative to war and human destruction. Recent events have vividly reminded us that nations are not reducing but rather increasing their arsenals of weapons of mass destruction. The best brains in the highly developed nations of the world are devoted to military technology… When scientific power outruns moral power, we end up with guided missiles and misguided men.”
Confronting Religious Nationalism

International Solidarity

The True Costs Of War

Building Systems Of Care (Part 2)

Building Systems Of Care (Part 1)

War At Home, War Abroad

Matthew 25 Summit Keynote by Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis,

We Shall See What Will Become of His Dreams: A special discussion in honor of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Sisters in the Wilderness: A Discussion of the trailblazer Delores Williams with The Very Reverend Dr. Kelly Brown Douglas and Rev. Dr. Gabriella Lettini

Everybody In, Nobody Out featuring: Detroit Disability Power & The Rolling Nation Network

Healthcare Is A Human Right featuring: Put People First PA, and Kansas Interfaith Action

The Sacred Earth Versus Profane Militarism. featuring: Padoquohan Medicine Lodge & the Center for Earth Ethics

SNAP! Fight Poverty Not The Poor featuring: the Coalition on Human Needs, Common Defense & the Congressional Hunger Center

The Rebellious Life Of Mrs. Rosa Parks featuring: Distinguished Professor Jeanne Theoharis

Peace is the fruit of Justice: Romero and the Church of the People.

Revolutionary Love. featuring: The Set It Off Movement and Middle Church NYC

Storming Caesers Palace. featuring: National Welfare Rights Union & Storming Caesar’s Palace

We Are The Poor: Building Global Solidarity. featuring Abahlali baseMjondolo

Moral Policy Is Good Economics. featuring The Groundwork Collaborative

We Declare Jubilee. featuring: The Debt Collective & Common Defense

Those Who Would Be Free Must Strike The First Blow. featuring: the Coalition of Immokalee Workers and the Greater Birmingham Ministries

Rejecting the Religion of Empire: Building a Movement for Liberation. featuring: The Double Love Experience & Labor Religion Coalition